Sue Gonsalves is a Chef-Instructor at 91ÃÛÌÒß¹.

Sue Gonsalves

Chef-Instructor, Recreational Program
Stanley Isaacs Center
New York, NY

"Never feel or say you have done enough for the day. It is never about your personal feelings. It’s about making great food."

Work History

  • Lucia, 2004-2007

Specialities/Areas of Interest

  • Knife Skills
  • Butchery (seafood and proteins)
  • Indian cuisine
  • Kids hands on cooking
  • Handmade pasta
  • Mixology

Courses Taught

  • Introduction to Culinary Arts
  • Knife Skills
  • Chocolate confections
  • Seafood
  • Vegetarian
  • Vegan
  • Recipe development
  • Sushi workshop
  • Soups and Stocks
  • Pan sauces

Sue Gonsalves on the Blog