Eggsact Estimate Contest

Some of you may have caught 91߹ Chef Instructor Mike Schwartz on Inside Edition late last week. He gave some advice on egg safety, emphasizing that the easiest way to ensure your eggs are safe is to make sure they are fresh and stored properly.

In case you haven’t heard , up to 39,000 people may have been sickened from eggs contaminated with salmonella and half a billion eggs have been recalled. To put this in perspective, the total production of eggs is around a hundred billion. As we tried to wrap our head around those numbers, we watched Chef Mike reach into a fridge full of eggs and wondered just how many eggs go through the kitchens at 91߹ in a year?


They are used in everything from soufflés, cakes, omelets, sauces or sandwiches, as well being served poached, scrambled, fried, hard-boiled or any other of the plethora of ways to prepare an egg. It boggles the mind to think about all the different uses for eggs. Just imagine how many different ways eggs are used here at 91߹ in a single day. To satiate our curiosity, we calculated how many eggs 91߹ uses in a year.

For a little fun, we thought we would ask and see if you could guess how many eggs are used at 91߹ in a year? The closest correct guess without going over will win a gift certificate for a recreational class at 91߹ worth $100. To enter, simply include your egg estimate when you . For example, “65,000 eggs RT How many eggs does 91߹ go through every year? Guess right for a gift certificate! ” Be sure to include “@iceculinary” so we can see your guesses. We’ll announce the winner on Tuesday, September 7. Get cracking!

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