white peach caramels

Refining and Redefining Classic Desserts

Even when our interpretations of codified dishes evolve into something truly unique, the greatest reward of recreating the classics is often rediscovering what made them great in the first place

chef james distefano teaching a pastry class in new york

Dessert, Redesigned: Meet Chef James Distefano

As the executive pastry chef for this groundbreaking restaurant, James Distefano spent six years translating the principles of classic pastry into award-winning healthy desserts. Today, as a chef

president brand butter

Beyond Flavor: The Science of Butter

Butter in Batters Cake, muffin and other similar batters get mixed in one of two ways: the creaming method or the all-in-one method. The creaming method calls for beating room temperature butter and

Mast Brothers Chocolate

Field Trips

What I didn't realize, however, was that this particular field trip would inspire a possible focus for my career path in pastry. After a long workday, it was comforting to walk into the Mast Brothers

chocolate bar made by michael laiskonis in the 91ÃÛÌÒß¹ chocolate lab

Bean-to-Bar: Chocolate in 10 Steps

As we gear up for increased production and the first of our bean-to-bar classes this fall, I’ve compiled some surprising facts about the different stages of the chocolate-making process. These

Raspberry Anisette Brioche Roll

5 Incredible Pastry Chefs You Should Know

Below are five restaurant pastry chefs who have garnered significant recognition in their hometowns and across the country. Most of them have won an award or two, and some may even have had their 15

pate a choux

Pâte à Choux

I’ve always wanted to make this dessert for dear old dad, but a whole Boston cream pie is much too large for just the three of us. So I wondered, what would be an alternative way to make it? Of course

cupcakes with pretzels and cinnamon topping

Contraband Cupcakes: Inside 91ÃÛÌÒß¹ Alum's "Prohibition Bakery"

Did you have another career before studying at 91ÃÛÌÒß¹? I enrolled at 91ÃÛÌÒß¹ just after graduating from Middlebury College with a major in history, so I didn’t have any prior professional experience

macarons from the Institute of Culinary Education

NYC's Macaron Maven: Christina Ha

Did you have another career prior to working in food? I worked at a nonprofit as the publicity & marketing coordinator. Since it was a small office, it actually meant that I was involved in much more

ice cream sandwich from melt bakery

The Ice Cream Entrepreneur: Meet Julian Plyter

What was your career path prior to enrolling at 91ÃÛÌÒß¹? I was working as an arts administrator for a major NYC orchestra for just over eight years. As a career changer, what really attracted me to 91ÃÛÌÒß¹

an airbrushed cake to look like a goldfish lily pond by Lisa Berczel

The Craft of Cake Painting: Airbrush Artist Lisa Berczel

What initially sparked your interest in airbrushing? As soon as I could hold a crayon, I've had a go at just about every craft and art form there is. Airbrush inevitably had its turn. However, that

pastry chef peter yuen

Pastry Fusion: The Pan-Cultural Techniques of Chef Peter Yuen

In anticipation of his exclusive two day viennoiserie workshop at 91ÃÛÌÒß¹ on July 12-13, we caught up with Chef Yuen to learn more about his unique pastry philosophy. As a specialist in laminated dough

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